Steps for Engaging in Interactive Gratitude
Step 1: Expressing Gratitude to God
Take a moment right now to invite the Holy Spirit into your thoughts and ask for help in recalling a moment of gratitude.
This could be anything that pops into your mind, whether it’s a small event from your day or a recurring theme in your life. When something comes to you, take the time to write down your feelings in a friendly, conversational way with God.
Thank Him for those specific things or experiences you appreciate. You might want to focus on who He is, what He has done for you, and how He has treated you with love and kindness.
Let the feeling of gratitude wash over you. If you can, add details about why that particular memory stands out to you.
If you're struggling to remember anything at all, start by sharing that difficulty with God and ask for His assistance.
Often, simply admitting that you're feeling stuck can relieve some of the pressure to come up with the perfect answer. Remember, God meets us where we are and helps us find our way forward.
Dear God, I'm thankful that my friend Bonnie from church brought me a meal after my surgery. Her kindness serves as a reminder that You are always watching over me and finding ways to meet my needs. You are incredibly thoughtful and caring.
I’m grateful too for my husband, who took the time to clean the house and pick up groceries while I was recovering from my eight-hour surgery. He did this despite his busy schedule. Thank You for his thoughtfulness and his willingness to go the extra mile for me.
Step 2 - How God Responds to My Gratitude
After you’ve written down your expressions of gratitude, pause to reflect on what you’ve written. Then, invite God to share His thoughts with you.
Start writing without holding back or filtering your ideas. Let the Spirit of God guide you as you focus on capturing what you feel might be His response to your gratitude. This is your sincere effort to tune into God’s thoughts. What you write should echo the kind of loving words good parents would say to their children after being moved by their gratitude.
My precious child (or insert your name here), I’m truly glad that you found time to rest today. Even though your body felt weak, you were able to feel the uplift from your friend Bonnie's comforting presence. I’m grateful too that you noticed My love and care for you through your husband. Thank you for recognizing My thoughtfulness and concern. I am always here, watching over you!
When you finish this part of the exercise, consider sharing what you wrote with a friend or a group that you trust.
Talking about our experiences with God can be a real blessing, helping everyone see God and themselves in a new light. When we listen to each other's stories about how we interact with God, we get to connect with Him too.
Sharing these moments allows us to feel the joy that comes from gratitude. Plus, it’s amazing how our brains actually feel happier when we celebrate joy together!
There's a lot more to Immanuel Journaling, but what I've shared about interactive gratitude is an excellent starting point. Check out a sample of Immanuel Journaling.